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Ancient Greek Athenaze Book I
Introduction Part I - Pronunciation Basics (11:44)
Introduction Part II - History and Pronunciation Basics (15:55)
Ancient Maxims - What motivated me to learn Ancient Greek - Well begun is Half Done (6:19)
Introduction to New Testament Greek (Biblical or Koine Greek) (8:26)
Lectures - Classical Greek
Lecture 1 - Ο ΔΙΚΑΙΟΠΟΛΙΣ alpha and beta - Chapter 1 alpha and beta Athenaze (22:06)
Lecture 1 - Ο ΔΙΚΑΙΟΠΟΛΙΣ alpha and beta - more grammar and explanations (85:51)
Lectures 1 and 2 supplement - only discussion (27:38)
Lecture 2 - Ο ΧΑΝΘΙΑΣ alpha (41:53)
Lecture 2 - Ο ΧΑΝΘΙΑΣ beta (63:25)
Lecture 3 - Ο ΑΡΟΤΟΣ alpha (51:58)
Lecture 3 - Ο ΑΡΟΤΟΣ beta (72:15)
Lectures 3 reading only (10:08)
Lecture 4 ΠΡΟΣ ΤΗΙ ΚΡΗΝΗΙ alpha (77:03)
Lecture 4 ΠΡΟΣ ΤΗΙ ΚΡΗΝΗΙ beta (68:28)
Lectures 4 reading only (11:51)
Lecture 4 Extra Grammar and Vocabulary (42:25)
Lecture 5 ΛΥΚΟΣ alpha (76:33)
Lecture 5 ΛΥΚΟΣ beta (127:32)
Lectures 5 reading only (14:43)
Lecture 6 ΜΥΘΟΣ alpha (27:52)
Lecture 6 ΜΥΘΟΣ beta (34:09)
Lecture 7 ΚΥΚΛΩΨ alpha (30:35)
Lecture 7 ΚΥΚΛΩΨ beta (47:44)
Lecture 8 ΠΡΟΣ ΤΟ ΑΣΤΥ alpha (33:22)
Lecture 8 ΠΡΟΣ ΤΟ ΑΣΤΥ beta (57:57)
Lecture 9 Η ΠΑΝΗΓΥΡΙΣ alpha (32:32)
Lecture 9 Η ΠΑΝΗΓΥΡΙΣ beta (60:42)
Lecture 10 Η ΣΥΜΦΟΡΑ alpha (38:18)
Lecture 10 Η ΣΥΜΦΟΡΑ beta (84:42)
Lecture 11 Ο ΙΑΤΡΟΣ alpha (45:08)
Lecture 11 Ο ΙΑΤΡΟΣ beta (84:38)
Lecture 12 ΠΡΟΣ ΤΟΝ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑ alpha (97:25)
Lecture 12 ΠΡΟΣ ΤΟΝ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑ beta (137:08)
Lecture 13 ΠΡΟΣ ΤΗΝ ΣΑΛΑΜΙΝΑ alpha (81:02)
Lecture 13 ΠΡΟΣ ΤΗΝ ΣΑΛΑΜΙΝΑ beta (147:35)
Lecture 14 Η ΕΝ ΤΑΙΣ ΘΕΡΜΑΠΥΛΑΙΣ ΜΑΧΗ alpha (132:18)
Lecture 14 Η ΕΝ ΤΑΙΣ ΘΕΡΜΑΠΥΛΑΙΣ ΜΑΧΗ beta (108:36)
Lecture 15 Η ΕΝ ΤΗΙ ΣΑΛΑΜΙΝΙ ΜΑΧΗ alpha (85:17)
Lecture 15 Η ΕΝ ΤΗΙ ΣΑΛΑΜΙΝΙ ΜΑΧΗ beta (123:14)
Lecture 16 ΜΕΤΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΝ ΤΗΙ ΣΑΛΑΜΙΝΙ ΜΑΧΗΝ alpha (77:19)
Lecture 16 ΜΕΤΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΝ ΤΗΙ ΣΑΛΑΜΙΝΙ ΜΑΧΗΝ beta (99:36)
Lectures - New Testament Greek
Chapter 1 New Testament Greek - Title of the Gospel according to Luke (9:14)
Chapter 2 The Gospel of Luke 3.22 (5:54)
Chapter 3 The Gospel of Luke 6.46 (6:50)
Chapter 4 Luke 6.45 (7:09)
Chapter 5 Luke 4.22 and 24 (8:08)
Chapter 6 Luke 13.10-16 (13:58)
Chapter 8 Luke 5.20-21 (13:56)
Chapter 9 Luke 6.31-33 The Sermon on the Mount Part I (17:53)
Chapter 10 alpha Luke 6.35-36 The Sermon on the Mount Part II (17:01)
Chapter 10 beta Luke 5.30-32 (16:30)
Chapter 11 alpha The Beatitudes (11:42)
Review Section
Accents and Enclitics Review (30:18)
Comparing Classical and Post Classical Pronunciations (18:23)
Participles Review - Focus on Present and Middle/Passive Participles (44:43)
Forms in Ancient Greek (71:14)
Verb Review (18:49)
Ancient Greek Numbers (26:09)
Participles Review - Focus on Future, Aorist, and Perfect Participles
Extra Readings
Work Book I Chapter 11 extra reading (137:16)
Socrates and the Philosophers (36:35)
Plato's Apology (5:30)
Plato's Apology
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