Ancient Greek Athenaze Book I
Learn Ancient Greek from book I of Athenaze
This part of the course deals with Book I of Athenaze: Ancient Greek textbook. We will cover all of book I of Athenaze and supplement it with additional grammar, advice, and forms practice. The course is growing and once you sign up you will have life-time access. New videos will be posted more and more as time goes by to enhance your experience, and some videos will be remade or edited further. As users interact, more items may be added, especially videos on speaking Ancient Greek better. Short exercises will be posted to help with simple speaking and reading enjoyment and strengthening. The goal of this course is to get you to course II and then beyond. The main goal is to read Ancient Greek fluently and to be able to recall words easily, as if you are speaking it. This course is good for Ancient Greek (Attic, the Greek of Plato) or Biblical Greek, the Greek of the New Testament.
Lastly, this is a course in progress. It will improve with time and I will add more videos to supplement what is here. If a video is missing, I am working on it to make it better. Thank you. Χαἰρετε!
Your Instructor
Course Curriculum
PreviewIntroduction Part I - Pronunciation Basics (11:44)
StartIntroduction Part II - History and Pronunciation Basics (15:55)
StartAncient Maxims - What motivated me to learn Ancient Greek - Well begun is Half Done (6:19)
PreviewIntroduction to New Testament Greek (Biblical or Koine Greek) (8:26)
PreviewLecture 1 - Ο ΔΙΚΑΙΟΠΟΛΙΣ alpha and beta - Chapter 1 alpha and beta Athenaze (22:06)
PreviewLecture 1 - Ο ΔΙΚΑΙΟΠΟΛΙΣ alpha and beta - more grammar and explanations (85:51)
StartLectures 1 and 2 supplement - only discussion (27:38)
StartLecture 2 - Ο ΧΑΝΘΙΑΣ alpha (41:53)
StartLecture 2 - Ο ΧΑΝΘΙΑΣ beta (63:25)
StartLecture 3 - Ο ΑΡΟΤΟΣ alpha (51:58)
StartLecture 3 - Ο ΑΡΟΤΟΣ beta (72:15)
StartLectures 3 reading only (10:08)
StartLecture 4 ΠΡΟΣ ΤΗΙ ΚΡΗΝΗΙ alpha (77:03)
StartLecture 4 ΠΡΟΣ ΤΗΙ ΚΡΗΝΗΙ beta (68:28)
StartLectures 4 reading only (11:51)
StartLecture 4 Extra Grammar and Vocabulary (42:25)
StartLecture 5 ΛΥΚΟΣ alpha (76:33)
StartLecture 5 ΛΥΚΟΣ beta (127:32)
StartLectures 5 reading only (14:43)
StartLecture 6 ΜΥΘΟΣ alpha (27:52)
StartLecture 6 ΜΥΘΟΣ beta (34:09)
StartLecture 7 ΚΥΚΛΩΨ alpha (30:35)
StartLecture 7 ΚΥΚΛΩΨ beta (47:44)
StartLecture 8 ΠΡΟΣ ΤΟ ΑΣΤΥ alpha (33:22)
StartLecture 8 ΠΡΟΣ ΤΟ ΑΣΤΥ beta (57:57)
StartLecture 9 Η ΠΑΝΗΓΥΡΙΣ alpha (32:32)
StartLecture 9 Η ΠΑΝΗΓΥΡΙΣ beta (60:42)
StartLecture 10 Η ΣΥΜΦΟΡΑ alpha (38:18)
StartLecture 10 Η ΣΥΜΦΟΡΑ beta (84:42)
StartLecture 11 Ο ΙΑΤΡΟΣ alpha (45:08)
StartLecture 11 Ο ΙΑΤΡΟΣ beta (84:38)
StartLecture 12 ΠΡΟΣ ΤΟΝ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑ alpha (97:25)
StartLecture 12 ΠΡΟΣ ΤΟΝ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑ beta (137:08)
StartLecture 13 ΠΡΟΣ ΤΗΝ ΣΑΛΑΜΙΝΑ alpha (81:02)
StartLecture 13 ΠΡΟΣ ΤΗΝ ΣΑΛΑΜΙΝΑ beta (147:35)
StartLecture 14 Η ΕΝ ΤΑΙΣ ΘΕΡΜΑΠΥΛΑΙΣ ΜΑΧΗ alpha (132:18)
StartLecture 14 Η ΕΝ ΤΑΙΣ ΘΕΡΜΑΠΥΛΑΙΣ ΜΑΧΗ beta (108:36)
StartLecture 15 Η ΕΝ ΤΗΙ ΣΑΛΑΜΙΝΙ ΜΑΧΗ alpha (85:17)
StartLecture 15 Η ΕΝ ΤΗΙ ΣΑΛΑΜΙΝΙ ΜΑΧΗ beta (123:14)
PreviewLecture 16 ΜΕΤΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΝ ΤΗΙ ΣΑΛΑΜΙΝΙ ΜΑΧΗΝ alpha (77:19)
StartLecture 16 ΜΕΤΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΝ ΤΗΙ ΣΑΛΑΜΙΝΙ ΜΑΧΗΝ beta (99:36)
PreviewChapter 1 New Testament Greek - Title of the Gospel according to Luke (9:14)
StartChapter 2 The Gospel of Luke 3.22 (5:54)
StartChapter 3 The Gospel of Luke 6.46 (6:50)
StartChapter 4 Luke 6.45 (7:09)
StartChapter 5 Luke 4.22 and 24 (8:08)
StartChapter 6 Luke 13.10-16 (13:58)
StartChapter 8 Luke 5.20-21 (13:56)
StartChapter 9 Luke 6.31-33 The Sermon on the Mount Part I (17:53)
StartChapter 10 alpha Luke 6.35-36 The Sermon on the Mount Part II (17:01)
StartChapter 10 beta Luke 5.30-32 (16:30)
PreviewChapter 11 alpha The Beatitudes (11:42)